Devour North
Northside Nights 2014

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Northside Nights 2014 Feedback

Fill out this survey for a chance to win a Gift Card to one of the participating Northside Nights Restaurants!!!!

*Don't forget to fill out a survey for each location visited during Northside Nights. Each survey is entered for a chance to win! Please only complete one survey per person per restaurant visited.
Date of your restaurant visit:  *

Example format: 09/30/2009
Which restaurant did you visit? (select only one)

The following questions refer to the restaurant you visited.

Click or tap the stars to rate your overall dining experience:
(5 stars = best rating)
Please rate your customer service experience:
Please rate the quality of your food:

Do you feel that the value-priced meal was a good value for what you paid?
Yes No
Are you likely to visit this restaurant again at a time other than during Northside Nights?  *

What did you like best about this restaurant?

What did you like least about this restaurant?
Please provide your e-mail address if you would like to be added to this restaurant's e-mail distribution list.

The following questions refer to Northside Nights 2014.

How did you first hear about Northside Nights?
What is the best way to inform you about events like this?
Did you take advantage of any of the following special Northside Nights offers?
1. $30 tickets to see jazz favorite Al Jarreau on Saturday, 9/20, at the Center for Performing Arts
2. $30 tecket to see Indian tabla superstar Zakir Hussain on Sunday, 9/28, at the Center for Performing Arts
3. Painting with a Twist: Buy one seat, get another seat free on Friday, 9/19.

If you chose not to take advantage of the special offer, please tell us why:

Did you visit multiple restaurants participating in Northside Nights?
Yes No
Do you plan on participating in this event again in the future?
Yes No

What did you like best about Northside Nights?

What did you like least about Northside Nights and what suggestions do you have for next year?

You're almost done! On the next page you can enter to win a gift card to a participating restaurant (optional)and submit your feedback.

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